What's In Season - July

What's In Season - July

Finally, a wide range of British fruit is arriving, just in time for the summer. It's all we can talk about this month!


Greengages are a seasonal treat that you only see this time of year and which tend to be mysteriously absent from supermarkets, who favour hard, red plums from South America with a longer shelf life.

Juicy and sweet, just tuck into them as they are. There also lovely poached or baked for breakfast, or there's no finer dessert than a greengage frangipane.

Here's a delightful greengage frangipane recipe. I know shortcrust pastry is dead easy to make, but I promise we won't tell on you if you buy the crust premade. I can't be the only one who hates blind-baking...

Tart Little Berries

July sees the arrival of British gooseberries, not so much one to be munched raw, but still absolutely delicious. Definitely the unsung hero of the berry world, the abundant juice that gooseberries produce when cooked make them an amazing dessert fruit. They make a magnificent summer crumble, the tart juices bubbling up around your sweet crumbs. Or else try a super-simple gooseberry fool, simply folding cooked gooseberries through whipped cream. 

Here's a gooseberry fool recipe. I absolutely endorse the idea of having shortbread to scoop up the sweet, tangy cream but I'd do yourself a favour and just buy some of our excellent Isle of Mull organic shortbread, rather than making it yourself.

And of Course...

And yes, we didn't forget, of course it's British strawberry season. However do they know to be ready for Wimbledon every year?

No recipes, no serving suggestions. You know what to do...

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