What's In Season - June

What's In Season - June

Furry Pods

There's something about peeling broad beans that just feels like summer - or maybe I'm just a masochist.

Broad beans love cheese - a simple bowl of beans with crusty bread and a sheep or goat's cheese (Spenwood would be my pick) makes a memorable, but simple, summer lunch. 

Throwing away the pods seems like such a waste, but young, tender pods can be coated in a light batter and deep-fried for a delightful snack alongside a cold beer. Though the cynics among you might say that it just proves that anything tastes good when deep fried and sprinkled with salt!

This Broad bean pilaf, from Sam Clark of Moro - is a wonderful meal. You can simplify it considerably by using a garlicky yoghurt in place of the beetroot borani and buying the crispy onions ready made (check the Asian or Eastern European section of the supermarket) - that's what I do!

 And here's the recipe for those deep-fried pods.


Pink, Peppery and Perky

Radishes have arrived, just in time for the sun...

Peppery and crunchy, they add instant pop to salads. But they can be the main event too. Really fresh salads with good butter and a sprinkle of coarse sea salt is a quintessential summer snack.

Try them thinly sliced and a few minutes in rice vinegar for some quick pickled radishes that will add pep to stir-fries and rice bowls.

It seems odd to cook radishes, but these Brown butter radishes are a delight. 



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