What's in season this month - March

What's in season this month - March

It’s not often the price of fruit and vegetables doubles overnight. This week we saw tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers skyrocket. Every week our vegetable prices change based on season and availability, but this was something else. 

The hard truth is that there’s nothing sustainable about buying out of season veg from 1000 miles away – with energy prices at an all time high we’ll probably see shortages continue even into the summer as many farms struggle to power their greenhouses and so even local growers aren’t going to be producing salad veg in the quantities we’re used to.

At Good Food we prioritise seasonal and local. Less food miles to get to your plate, less plastic, fresher and supporting British farmers!

There's loads in season at the moment including cauliflower, kale, leeks, purple sprouting broccolispinach, spring onions, swede and rhubarb. 

It's a much more satisfying way to eat and better for everyone - why pay a premium for out-of-season veg that's been flown half way around the world?

This month we'll be enjoying this purple sprouting broccoli & gnocchi recipe here, this Malaysian laksa (definitely the most glamourous use I can think of for swede) and the Single Variety harbinger rhubarb jam at breakfast.

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